
I must say cooking and eating are my passions. I came to this realization when I “treated” myself to cooking after a day of cleaning the house!

As far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to be around food. I think I was about 10 years old when I started helping my mom in the kitchen. (No it wasn’t child labour! I actually enjoyed doing it. 🙂 ) After quitting my full-time job as a web/graphics designer to stay home with the kiddies, I returned to school part-time to study culinary arts at George Brown College. I considered myself a fairly seasoned home cook at the time but still couldn’t believe how much I was learning in class! I am fascinated by how much there is to learn about food.

Through that journey, I discovered that cooking for my family and friends brings me the most joy. On most nights my little ones enthusiastically ask me, “What are we having for dinner?” Having kids and cooking for them brought back memories of the foods I ate as a child. The dishes were not fancy nor particularly special. Somehow, I still have strong feelings about certain things my mom cooked or what I ate with certain people as a child.

When people talk about what they ate as a child, their eyes light up. It’s almost as if they can smell and taste the food they ate. I want to recapture my own childhood Memorable Dishes as well as dishes from others. I feel that we are all connected by food no matter where we come from and when we are born. 🙂

I will be writing about childhood Memorable Dishes as well as present-day Memorable Dishes. Plus, I will be writing about food and everything in between – Memorable Dishes from Past to Present. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it!

Me in the Kitchen


6 Thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Winnie, Greg here, thought I would say Hi. Amazing work, I love so many of your recipes, I should share pics 🙂 Keep up the amazing work!

  2. Great work Winnie! I’ll be sure to try out your dishes!

  3. Lola P. on February 17, 2015 at 5:27 pm said:

    Food has too be at the top of “My all Time Favorite” things to do. I love eating it, cooking it, learning about it and sharing it with others. Thank you for this wonderful blog. I look forward to learning more about Memorable Dishes.

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